Sunday, May 17, 2009

38 weeks

Well, down to the last 2-3 weeks! I'm having weekly doctor's appointments now. At the one last Tuesday, Dr. Johnson did a short ultrasound to check the baby's position. He's head down, so that's good. he switches from the left to the right side pretty much daily, but he's pretty much in the right position. He hasn't "dropped" yet, so I'm hoping he'll hang in there at least another week or so. My parents are coming back to town on Memorial Day, so he can come anytime after that!

On Wednesday, Scott's department at work threw us a diaper shower and we got quite a supply! I think we'll be all set for at least a week or two! LOL! It was great finally getting to see where Scott works and getting to meet all his co-workers. They all really love Scott (no surprise there) and I think they were just happy to have a reason to take a break and have some snacks and cake!

I don't have the nursery completely set up yet, but Baby Bru won't be in there for a while. We've got the basinett set up in the bedroom and I've got the bedding and clothes all washed and ready. One of the cats, Aubie, thinks the we got the changing pad just for him (pic below). He's got a shock coming! I've got my hospital bag packed and I'll probably start keeping it in my car this week.

I'm still feeling pretty good. I get a little tired walking up and down stairs, and I've been getting cramps in my legs and hips, but for the most part, I'm still feeling really good. I'm not to the point where I want him out yet. I think I'm really going to miss being pregnant, but hopefully we'll do this again in a couple of years!

Belly button is still not out, but it's close! Little man pushes on it from the inside a lot, like he's trying to push it out! Too funny!

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