Sunday, April 26, 2009

4/26/09 Shower

Today was my shower given by my friends Amy and Michele from church. It was so much fun! I got to see some best friends from high school that I haven't seen for a while, one of my good friends that I used to fly with, some of Scott's family & a lot of my good friends from church! It was quite a crowd! Amy was nice enough to host it at her house and Michele led the games (guess how many M&Ms, finish the lullabye and draw the baby on your head! After all the great gifts I got today, I'm not sure if there's anything left on my registry! LOL! I got my Boppy (2 actually), the bath tub, a bouncer seat, the Bumbo seat & the diaper bag, just to name a few things. And of course, more adorable clothes! Jane and I decided we're just going to have to dress him in each outfit and take pictures!

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