Sunday, April 26, 2009

4/26/09 Shower

Today was my shower given by my friends Amy and Michele from church. It was so much fun! I got to see some best friends from high school that I haven't seen for a while, one of my good friends that I used to fly with, some of Scott's family & a lot of my good friends from church! It was quite a crowd! Amy was nice enough to host it at her house and Michele led the games (guess how many M&Ms, finish the lullabye and draw the baby on your head! After all the great gifts I got today, I'm not sure if there's anything left on my registry! LOL! I got my Boppy (2 actually), the bath tub, a bouncer seat, the Bumbo seat & the diaper bag, just to name a few things. And of course, more adorable clothes! Jane and I decided we're just going to have to dress him in each outfit and take pictures!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Work shower 04-22-09

I had a great shower today at work! I usually plan the events for our department, so it was really different for me to be on the other end this time! I have to say, the hostesses did a great job planning and decorating, etc. I got lots of adorable clothes and some great stuff from my registry! We also played the "don't say the word baby game" and the "guess how big around mommy is" game. People seemed to think I'm a lot bigger than I really am, so it was really funny to see how long a piece of streamer they all tore off.

Got two more showers to go! Looking forward to both of them! This child has no idea how many folks are looking forward to his arrival!!

Yes, that's a 2 liter of Hawaiian punch substituting for my little man!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My First Baby Shower

I had my first shower on Saturday, April 11th. My mom's friends at church in TX threw it for me! What a shower it was. I received so many adorable outfits and lots of toys! I also got the humidifier, the booster seat and the pack N' play! Mom and Dad drove here to ATL, so they were able to put all the gifts in their car and bring them here! They and Scott put together the crib on Tuesday night too and it looks great!!

Tuesday night we went to an open house class at Gwinnett Pediatrics. I really like the practice and they are very close by. I'm thinking they will be our best option, but I still want to check out John's Creek pediatrics first, just to make sure.

Here are a few pics from the shower and from Easter: