Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Last weekend we went to LaGrange and Auburn for the game and had a great time! I was a little queasy Saturday morning, but did much better that afternoon. Sunday was about the same, but then Monday, the morning (all day) sickness really kicked in. I left work and ended up working from home on Tuesday too. Today got off to a rough start (dry heaving), but my friend Vickie got me some Ginger Ale at lunch and that really seemed to help. I was able to eat some noodles and Chick-fil-A fries and felt better for the rest of the afternoon! I even ordered pizza for dinner!

Anyway, everyone keeps telling me I'll forget this part and I'm really hoping they're right, because otherwise, I might not do this again! Ha! I'm so excited for my doctor's appt next Tuesday - 5 days and counting! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat and see the little Bru that's been giving me such a hard time the last couple of weeks! I'll be glad to be able to tell the rest of our friends and family too! Not sure how people keep this news a secret until 12 weeks! I'm having trouble making it to 8 weeks!

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