Tuesday, October 21, 2008

First ultrasound!!

We had our first prenatal appointment today and the first ultrasound. The baby is so tiny!! We could see and hear the heartbeat. It made it so much more real! All the sickness is worth it!

I've actually been feeling a little better the last few days. We went to a wedding this weekend in SC and stayed in a cabin with two other couples. It was so hard not to tell them!!

I'm attaching one of the ultrasound pictures. It looks like the baby is wearing a halo, but it's actually the yolk sac above it's head. Due date is confirmed at May 29th. Scott's hoping the baby will come on the 28th so it will be the same day as our wedding anniversary and he'll only have to remember one date! Ha!

Dad (oops - Pops) got to look at the ultrasound pictures on his blackberry from India. Thank you modern technology! He thinks it looks like a boy! I won't get my gender ultrasound until 20 weeks, so that will be after Christmas. I don't know if I can wait that long, so I might try to find a place that does ultrasounds just for the sake of seeing the baby and determining the gender. We'll see.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Last weekend we went to LaGrange and Auburn for the game and had a great time! I was a little queasy Saturday morning, but did much better that afternoon. Sunday was about the same, but then Monday, the morning (all day) sickness really kicked in. I left work and ended up working from home on Tuesday too. Today got off to a rough start (dry heaving), but my friend Vickie got me some Ginger Ale at lunch and that really seemed to help. I was able to eat some noodles and Chick-fil-A fries and felt better for the rest of the afternoon! I even ordered pizza for dinner!

Anyway, everyone keeps telling me I'll forget this part and I'm really hoping they're right, because otherwise, I might not do this again! Ha! I'm so excited for my doctor's appt next Tuesday - 5 days and counting! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat and see the little Bru that's been giving me such a hard time the last couple of weeks! I'll be glad to be able to tell the rest of our friends and family too! Not sure how people keep this news a secret until 12 weeks! I'm having trouble making it to 8 weeks!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I'm having my first "morning sickness" although, it's pretty much on and off throughout the day. Ick. I was really hoping to avoid it, but so far it's just been a little nausea, no throwing up, so that's good.

No cravings yet. I'm going to laugh if I start craving fruits and vegetables!

Scott and I had our picture taken today for the church directory. I guess that is our first official family portrait! I'll have to tell the baby someday that they were in that picture too!

Two more weeks until the first OB appointment. It seems like it will never get here! I know the next 34 weeks are going to go super fast, so I'm trying to enjoy every minute, but I'm so ready to hear that little heartbeat (or heartbeats).

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Last night I had my first major sign that I'm pregnant - my boobs hurt! Ha! The pain continued today along with a little nausea this afternoon. Not bad though. I'm still super tired every morning when I get up. I'm not one of those people who hate to get up and go to work every day. I'm usually ready for it, but lately, I could probably sleep until noon!!! I stay tired through the day too. My friends at work that have had kids tell me it's only going to get worse from here! Oh well, it will all be worth it in the end!