Saturday, August 1, 2009

7-9 weeks

The last couple of weeks have been really good!

I went back to work on 7/20. Cyndi, a nice lady from church is keeping Sam during the day. She keeps 4 kids total, so Sam gets lots of attention! She has been wonderful. It was hard leaving him with someone else at first, but it's gotten a lot better. Mom stayed that whole first week and went and picked Sam up every day at noon. It kind of eased us into it (not that Sam seemed to mind - he really likes Ms. Cyndi!)

Some recent developments:
Rolling over onto his side - he does this in the pack n' play a lot (see pics below)

He's found his hands - and is trying to suck on his fingers to soothe himself (also a pic below)

Sleeping longer stretches - he's starting to sleep 6 & 7 hour stretches, which is wonderful at his age! We are so lucky!

Smiling - this is the coolest one, because he smiles when he sees familiar faces and when we smile and play with him!

He's eating 3-4 oz. per feeding now (which is how he can sleep longer stretches). I weighed him on our scale today and he's up to almost 12 lbs. His next doctor's appointment is on 8/11, so we'll see what the offical weight is then. We get several shots that day too, so I'm hoping he does as good as he did the first time with those!

7 weeks pic in his crib

Play time with Daddy (who can get him to smile more than anyone!)

7/26 - First time to Simpsonwood UMC - he did pretty good during service and immediately fell asleep afterwards!

church outfit

Tummy Time mat - I know, he's laying the wrong way!

I found my fingers!

Rolling on his side

Love those froggie feet!

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