Friday, June 5, 2009

First week at home

Things are going well! We had a bit of a rough start with the feedings, but I'm pumping breastmilk and feeding him that in a bottle now, so he's thriving! We're more comfortable too, because we can track how much he's eating and this way Scott and other people can feed him too!

We've been trying Sam out in all his various toys (the swing, the bouncer seat and the pack n' play). He's also been wearing a few outfits a day (at least!). It's so fun seeing him in all the different clothes!

I'm feeling pretty good. I've had a couple of crying episodes, but that's to be expected I guess. All the emotions are very overwhelming! I've had lots of support though from Scott and my parents and his parents. We are very greatful for all the help we have around! Scott is such a great dad!!! He's got all the feedings and diapers logged so we can take the info to the doctor and also see how much more/less he's eating, etc. He gets all the bottles sterilized after use and ready for the next feeding. He's been feeding, burping and changing diapers too! How lucky am I?? Trust me, I know it!

Below are some recent pics from the first week at home. Enjoy!

Sleeping in the pack n play

playing in the pack n play

Those eyes!

Daddy burping Sam during a feeding

Daddy and Sam

Mommy and Daddy's favorite funny face!

Baby burrito

Trying out the bouncer seat

After the first bath (wipedown) You can tell he was really bothered by it! LOL!

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