Thursday, July 16, 2009

Trip to Texas 7/3-7/15/09

We went to Texas on 7/3 so the rest of my family could meet Sam in person. We left on Friday night and spent the night in Tuscaloosa. We got to Lollie and Pop's house on Saturday afternoon and their friends Ruth and Raymond and Mary and Tommy were all there to greet us!

It was really hot while we were there, so we didn't go out much, but we all had fun just standing around the pack n' play and staring at Sam! Since I decided not to go back to work until 7/20, Scott went back by himself on 7/10 and Mom drove back with me on 7/15. It was so nice to spend the extra time there! Sam did so good in the car on the way out there and on the way back. On the way back, we drove straight through, so he did 12 1/2 hours in the car seat. Such a good boy! (We of course got him out to feed and change him).

Cousins Emme and Hadley

Cousin Cody

Me, Mamaw, Lollie and Sam - 4 generations!

What a cute face!
Sam on his way to his first trip to church (Pleasant Retreat UMC in Tyler). He lasted about 5 minutes in the santuary and then I took him to the nursery (where I got to hang out with a couple of my childhood friends!)

Pops with Sam at Whataburger!

After church, showing off Sam's outfit

Getting a bath in Lollie's sink -he just loves bathtime now!

Swaddled Sam, ready for bed!

Sam grabbing his Froggie friends

Sitting in Lollie's lap

Hanging out with Aunt Janie

I just thought this one was a funny angle!

Lollie, me and Janie with Sam on the porch

We sent this to Scott after he left - it was so hard for him to leave Sam!