Friday, January 30, 2009

23 weeks

Profile shot
Mouth open - "drinking" amniotic fluid

Little feet

Facing forward

I had my "20 week" ultrasound today. Scott's parents and sister were able to come up so they got to share the special event with us! He looks a lot bigger! He's 13 inches and 1 lb, 5 oz. The doctor said everything is on track and he's progressing normally! So glad to hear that! He had his mouth open a lot (apparently drinking in the amniotic fluid), so it looked like he was yawning. One of his little fists was around the umbilical cord. The doctor says this can give the baby a "rush" so if they do it once, and realize what happens sometimes they'll continue to do it for the rush! LOL. Got a little thrillseeker already! So far, everything's good!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

20 weeks - halfway there!

He's really starting to show himself now! I'm really feeling him too! He seems to move around most a meal times (hopefully that means he'll be a good eater). The next thing I'm looking forward to is Scott being able to feel him moving. We've got our next doctor's appointment on Thursday (1/15) and our next ultrasound on 1/30. That's the one we'll go to Northside for.

19 weeks