Saturday, December 27, 2008

It's a BOY!

Wow. So much has happened in the last month!

On 12/18, we had another doctor's appointment. I gained my required 4 pounds, so the doc was happy. She also gave me the referral for the ultrasound we'll have at Northside. I'm going to try to schedule that one so Scott's mom, dad and sis can be there to see the baby.

We went to TX to see my family for Christmas and just got back today. On Tuesday we did a "for fun" ultrasound and found out it's a BOY! We were so excited! It was just so cool to see how much the little gummy bear has grown in the last 10 weeks! Everything looks good so far! It was really special, because my parents, Mamaw and aunt Janie were there to share that special event with us. I'll never forget that. I'm going to try to attach a link to the video (or at least part of it) on this website.

The baby is about 5 inches now from crown to rump and weighs about 5 oz. He's grown so much! and he's about to grow even more! I'm hoping I can schedule the Northside ultrasound for about 5 or 6 weeks from now so we can see even more of a change. We'll see. They may like to do the ultrasound at a certain point so that they can see everything they need to see.