Monday, November 24, 2008

I had my second OB appointment last week on Thursday. The doctor was a little concerned that I'd lost 5 pounds in the last month, but I explained that I was feeling better now so my appetite has been coming back slowly but surely. Also found out I'm O negative blood type, which if Scott is O positive could affect our second baby.

Friday marked the 13 week milestone, so I'm in my last week of the first trimester. Hopefully the sleepiness will be gone soon. I'm still not showing much, just looks like I ate a really big meal! I'm wearing a few maternity pants, but mostly because they're comfortable on my stomach.

This is what's going on with Baby Bru this week according to the BabyCenter website:

Fingerprints have formed on the baby's tiny fingertips, it’s veins and organs are clearly visible through it’s still-thin skin, and it’s body is starting to catch up with it’s head — which makes up just a third of it’s body size now. The baby is almost 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce.

Fingerprints! How crazy is that?

I just can't wait until January to find out if it's a boy or a girl, so Mom scheduled a 3-D ultrasound for while we're in Texas for Christmas. It's scheduled for 12/23, so that way we'll know on Christmas Day! I'm so excited! It's only a month away, but that seems so long right now! I'll be sure to post the news on here ASAP.