Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Sam's starting to use the bumbo seat now - he can almost sit by himself!

Not too sure about this!

My new pooh stroller from Lollie and Pops!

I love this outfit and it finally fits! It says "Little Squirt" on the front.

Grandma made home made ice cream, so I gave in and let Lollie feed him a little - his first real food. A little cold but he liked it!

Playing on the activity mat

Sunday, September 6, 2009

First trip to Auburn 9/5-9/6-09

Sam didn't go to the game, but we did hang out at Aunt Emily's house while Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa went.

Bella's getting my toes! This was Sam's first experience with a puppy and Bella's first experience with an infant! They both did well!

War Eagle!

Sam's new Auburn stroller - thanks Grandma!

Awww...Sam and Daddy

Cara "holding" Sam - he couldn't take his eyes off of her!

Monday, August 31, 2009


Here's some pics of a cute outfit Sam wore to church on Sunday.

He always has those hands on his knees. It's so adorable!

Smiling big at Daddy!

Friday, August 28, 2009

3 Months old!

My how time has flown! I can't believe Sam is 3 months old already!

Yes, we're still swaddling...we might be for a long time! He still loves it!

Got this great rear view every day on my way to and from work!

Tummy Time - rolling off the pillow, but not rolling over on his own yet.

I love these pants - looks like he sat on a frog!

He loves his farm animals!

Sam's first time at Trivia - Johnny's Pizza 8-24-09

Eyeing daddy's pizza - no, no Sam! No meat for you!

It took me a while to figure out I had to flip the high chair upsidedown to put the car seat in it! DUH!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

12 weeks

Below are some pics Pops took while we were "Skyping" tonight. This is a great way my parents get to actually see Sam just about every night. However, I think it makes them miss him even more! The quality isn't great, but he was smiling and laughing, so the ended up being pretty good pics. He's looking at Scott who is making silly noises and faces at him. He even giggled at one point - I think that made Lollie and Pop's night!

He had his 2 month check up on 8/11 and he got three vaccines (2 shots and one dropper). He did pretty good! He fussed a little after the shots, but didn't scream. Such a brave little man! He weighed in at 12.00 lbs and he's 23" long now. His head went from 15" to 16" since the last appointment. That brain is getting big!! Dr. Cole says we can start the rice ceral at around 4 months. She also said we need to work on Tummy Time (not Sam's favorite thing!), so we are trying to get that in every day. He still has his eczema pretty bad on his arms and legs, but Dr. Cole told us to start trying Cetaphil cream in addition to the Aquaphor and the Hydrocortizone cream. Sam does NOT like getting lotion put on him, but it does seem to help his skin!

He's still loving going to Ms. Cyndi's every day and Grandma (Scott's mom) comes up on Wednesdays, sometimes with Grandpa and keeps him that day. It's so great that he's getting that bonding time with her. I know Lollie is sooooo jealous! :o)

He's consistently sleeping 6 hour stretches at night, which is nice. We're actually getting some sleep and functioning a little better during the day! He still has a few nights here and there when he wakes up more than once, but not often.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

10 weeks

Sam loves his bouncer seat!

Sam's new blue paci he got from his buddy Brody (Lauren's little boy)

10 weeks frog pics

I always want to fist bump him when he does this with his arm/fist. I know he's trying to figure out how to get his fist to his mouth, but it just looks so funny!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

More 9 weeks pics

More pics from 9 weeks. Smiling more and more these days and sooooo close to laughing!

Funny face

He's always got those arms and legs going!

War Eagle!

He's looking at Scott - Daddy always makes him smile big!

You can see how big he's getting by seeing him in his carseat.